Source code for compliance.check

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"""Compliance check automation module."""

import unittest

from compliance.config import get_config

import inflection

[docs]class ComplianceCheck(unittest.TestCase): """Compliance check automation TestCase class.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Construct and initialize the check test object.""" super(ComplianceCheck, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if hasattr(ComplianceCheck, 'config'): self.config = ComplianceCheck.config else: self.config = get_config() @property def title(self): """Check title, normally used in check reports.""" raise NotImplementedError( f'Property title not implemented on {self.__class__.__name__}' ) @property def reports(self): """List of the check reports.""" if '_reports' not in self.__dict__.keys(): self._reports = [] return self._reports @property def runbook_url(self): """ Runbook URL associated with the check. If runbook links are enabled in the configuration, the value returned is based on the runbook base URL and the check's class name. It is assumed that the runbook exists and is in HTML format. """ runbook_enabled = self.config.get('runbooks.enabled') runbook_baseurl = self.config.get('runbooks.base_url') if runbook_baseurl and runbook_enabled: runbook_name = inflection.underscore(self.__class__.__name__) return f'{runbook_baseurl}/{runbook_name}.html' @property def fixed_failure_count(self): """Count of failures fixed by the fix routine.""" if '_fixed_failure_count' not in self.__dict__.keys(): self._fixed_failure_count = 0 return self._fixed_failure_count @fixed_failure_count.setter def fixed_failure_count(self, value): self._fixed_failure_count = value @property def warnings(self): """Warnings as a property for each check.""" if not hasattr(self, '_warnings'): self._warnings = {} return self._warnings @property def failures(self): """Failures as a property for each check.""" if not hasattr(self, '_failures'): self._failures = {} return self._failures @property def successes(self): """Successes as a property for each check.""" if not hasattr(self, '_successes'): self._successes = {} return self._successes @property def evidence_metadata(self): """Metadata of all evidence used by each check as a property.""" if not hasattr(self, '_evidence_metadata'): self._evidence_metadata = {} return self._evidence_metadata
[docs] def id(self): # noqa: A003 """Reset the test id if it has been transplanted and return it.""" return_id = super(ComplianceCheck, self).id() origin = getattr(self, '__origin_module__', None) if origin and not return_id.startswith(origin): original = '.'.join( [self.__origin_module__, self.__class__.__name__] ) transplanted = '.'.join( [ self.__class__.__module__, getattr( self.__class__, '__qualname__', self.__class__.__name__ ) ] ) return return_id.replace(transplanted, original) return return_id
[docs] def total_issues_count(self, results): """ Total number of issues as property for the check. :param results: contains all the test results. """ return ( self.failures_for_check_count(results) + self.warnings_for_check_count(results) )
[docs] def add_warnings(self, section_key, section_value): """ Add warnings for each check. :param: section_key: key for the warnings. :param: section_value: all the warnings for that key. """ self.warnings.setdefault(section_key, []) if isinstance(section_value, (list, set)): self.warnings[section_key].extend(section_value) else: self.warnings[section_key].append(section_value)
[docs] def warnings_for_check(self, results): """ Provide warnings associated with all tests in the check. :param results: contains all the test results. """ w = {} for t in self._get_all_test_objs(results): for k, v in t.warnings.items(): w.setdefault(k, []).extend(v) return w
[docs] def warnings_for_check_count(self, results): """ Count failures for all tests in the check. :param results: contains all the test results. """ return sum( t.warnings_count() for t in self._get_all_test_objs(results) )
[docs] def warnings_count(self): """Count warnings for a specific test.""" return sum(len(v) for _, v in self.warnings.items())
[docs] def add_failures(self, section_key, section_value): """ Add failures for each check. :param: section_key: key for the failures. :param: section_value: all the failures for that key. """ self.failures.setdefault(section_key, []) if isinstance(section_value, (list, set)): self.failures[section_key].extend(section_value) else: self.failures[section_key].append(section_value)
[docs] def failures_for_check(self, results): """ Provide failures associated with all tests in the check. :param results: contains all the test results. """ f = {} for t in self._get_all_test_objs(results): for k, v in t.failures.items(): f.setdefault(k, []).extend(v) return f
[docs] def failures_for_check_count(self, results): """ Count failures for all tests in check. :param results: contains all the test results. """ return sum( t.failures_count() for t in self._get_all_test_objs(results) )
[docs] def failures_count(self): """Count failures for a specific test.""" return sum(len(v) for _, v in self.failures.items())
[docs] def add_successes(self, section_key, section_value): """ Add successes for each check. :param: section_key: key for the successes. :param: section_value: all the successes for that key. """ self.successes.setdefault(section_key, []) if isinstance(section_value, (list, set)): self.successes[section_key].extend(section_value) else: self.successes[section_key].append(section_value)
[docs] def successes_for_check(self, results): """ Provide successes associated with all tests in the check. :param results: contains all the test results. """ s = {} for t in self._get_all_test_objs(results): for k, v in t.successes.items(): s.setdefault(k, []).extend(v) return s
[docs] def successes_for_check_count(self, results): """ Count successes for all tests in check. :param results: contains all the test results. """ return sum( t.successes_count() for t in self._get_all_test_objs(results) )
[docs] def successes_count(self): """Count successes for a specific test.""" return sum(len(v) for _, v in self.successes.items())
[docs] def run(self, result=None): """ Override the method. Decorates ``test_`` methods by adding common functionality (e.g. failures count check). """ def wrapper(method): def check_failures(): method() self.assertEquals(self.failures_count(), 0) return check_failures test_method = getattr(self, self._testMethodName) setattr(self, self._testMethodName, wrapper(test_method)) super(ComplianceCheck, self).run(result)
[docs] def add_issue_if_diff(self, actual, expected, msg, as_warning=False): """ Add failures/warnings if differences exist between actual and expected. :param actual: the "actual" set items. :param expected: the "expected" set items. :param msg: the section key used if differences are found. :param as_warning: warn if True, fail if False. """ diff = set(actual) - set(expected) if not diff: return if as_warning: self.add_warnings(msg, sorted(diff)) else: self.add_failures(msg, sorted(diff))
[docs] def get_historical_evidence(self, evidence_path, evidence_dt): """ Retrieve historical evidence from the locker and track as metadata. :param evidence_path: the evidence path. :param evidence_dt: the evidence date. """ evidence =, True, evidence_dt) self.add_evidence_metadata( evidence_path, evidence_dt, getattr(evidence, 'locker', None) ) return evidence
[docs] def add_evidence_metadata( self, evidence_path, evidence_dt=None, evidence_locker=None ): """ Add evidence metadata to the evidence_metadata property of each check. :param evidence_path: the evidence path. :param evidence_dt: the evidence date. :param evidence_locker: the locker the evidence was retrieved from. Use when historical evidence is found in a secondary locker. """ locker = evidence_locker or metadata = locker.get_evidence_metadata(evidence_path, evidence_dt) metadata.update({'path': evidence_path, 'locker_url': locker.repo_url}) if metadata.get('partitions'): path, file_name = evidence_path.rsplit('/', 1) partitions = {} for part_hash, part_key in metadata['partitions'].items(): partitions[part_hash] = { 'key': part_key, 'commit_sha': locker.get_latest_commit( f'{path}/{part_hash}_{file_name}', evidence_dt ).hexsha } metadata['partitions'] = partitions else: metadata['commit_sha'] = locker.get_latest_commit( evidence_path, evidence_dt ).hexsha metadata.pop('tombstones', None) evidence_meta_key = (evidence_path, metadata['last_update']) self.evidence_metadata[evidence_meta_key] = metadata
[docs] def evidences_for_check(self, results): """ Provide evidences used by all tests in the check. :param results: contains all the test results. """ evidences = {} for test_obj in self._get_all_test_objs(results): evidences.update(test_obj.evidence_metadata) return list(evidences.values())
def _get_all_test_objs(self, results): """ Provide all completed tests from the test results. All completed tests that are associated with this check class are returned. """ return [ info['test'].test for info in results.values() if info['test'].test.__class__ == self.__class__ ]