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# Copyright (c) 2020 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.
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"""Compliance report build automation module."""

import copy
import datetime
import logging
import pathlib
import traceback

from compliance.config import get_config
from compliance.evidence import get_evidence_by_path
from import READMES
from compliance.utils.data_parse import format_json

import jinja2

log = logging.getLogger('')

[docs]class ReportBuilder(object): """This class builds all the required reports for the tests.""" def __init__(self, locker, results, controls): """ Construct and initialize the file descriptor notifier object. :param locker: the locker to be used. :param results: the dictionary of the test results. :param controls: the control descriptor that manages accreditations. """ = locker self.results = results self.controls = controls
[docs] def build(self): """Build the reports and store them in the locker.""" test_by_class = self._get_test_by_class() with self._generate_reports(test_by_class) rpt_metadata = self.generate_toc(rpt_metadata) self.generate_check_results(rpt_metadata)
[docs] def render_evidence_with_template(self, evidence, test_obj): """ Render content based on a template. If template system was selected, this method renders the content using the template for the given evidence. :param evidence: the evidence object to be rendered using its template. :param test_obj: test object which has all the tests for check. """ if evidence.content is not None: return tmpl_path = pathlib.Path(self.get_template_for(test_obj, evidence)) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() context = { 'test': test_obj, 'results': self.results, 'all_successes': test_obj.successes_for_check(self.results), 'all_failures': test_obj.failures_for_check(self.results), 'all_warnings': test_obj.warnings_for_check(self.results), 'evidence': evidence, 'builder': self, 'now': now } loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(str(tmpl_path.parent)) env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader, autoescape=True) evidence.set_content(env.get_template(
[docs] def get_template_for(self, test_obj, evidence): """ Provide the file path of the template associated to the given evidence. :param test_report_obj: the test object that needs to create report. :param evidence: the ReportEvidence object expected. """ tmpl_dir = get_config().get_template_dir(test_obj) if tmpl_dir is None: raise RuntimeError( f'Unable to find template directory for test {}' ) tmpl_path = pathlib.Path(tmpl_dir, f'{evidence.path}.tmpl') if not tmpl_path.exists(): tmpl_path = pathlib.Path(tmpl_dir, '') return str(tmpl_path)
[docs] def generate_toc(self, rpt_metadata): """ Generate a check reports table of contents. This method generates a TOC based on all report evidence metadata and appends that TOC to the bottom of an evidence locker's file. :param rpt_metadata: Metadata from all report evidence index.json files """ path = pathlib.Path( files = sorted( str(f) for f in path.iterdir() if f.is_file() and in READMES ) readme = files[0] if files else '' content_as_str = rpts = [] for rpt, meta in rpt_metadata.items(): if meta.get('pruned_by'): continue rpt_descr = meta['description'] or pathlib.Path(rpt).name rpt_url =, False) check = meta.get('checks', ['N/A'])[0].rsplit('.', 1).pop(0) evidences = [] for ev in meta.get('evidence', []): ev_path = pathlib.Path(ev['path']) ev_descr = ev['description'] or ev_locker_url = ev.get('locker_url', if not ev.get('partitions'): ev_url = ev['path'], False, ev['commit_sha'], ev_locker_url ) evidences.append( { 'descr': ev_descr, 'url': ev_url, 'from': ev['last_update'] } ) else: for hash_key, part in ev['partitions'].items(): ev_part_descr = f'{ev_descr} - {hash_key} partition' ev_url = str(ev_path.parent / f'{hash_key}_{}'), False, part['commit_sha'], ev_locker_url ) evidences.append( { 'descr': ev_part_descr, 'url': ev_url, 'from': ev['last_update'] } ) accreditations = sorted(self.controls.get_accreditations(check)) rpts.append( { 'descr': rpt_descr, 'url': rpt_url, 'check': check, 'accreditations': ', '.join(accreditations) or 'N/A', 'from': meta['last_update'], 'evidences': sorted(evidences, key=lambda ev: ev['descr']) } ) context = { 'original': content_as_str.split('\n') if content_as_str else [], 'reports': sorted(rpts, key=lambda r: r['descr']) } loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(get_config().get_template_dir(self)) env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader, autoescape=True) content = env.get_template('').render(context), filename=readme)
[docs] def generate_check_results(self, rpt_metadata): """ Combine the check execution results with associated reports metadata. This method combines check results with details about associated reports and evidences used, found in the report metadata. It returns a dictionary keyed by check class dot path. :param rpt_metadata: Metadata from all report evidence index.json files """ chk_results = {} for rpt, meta in rpt_metadata.items(): check_methods = {} if not meta.get('checks'): continue for check in meta['checks']: check_class, check_method = check.rsplit('.', 1) check_methods[check_method] = {} if self.results.get(check): test = self.results[check]['test'].test check_methods[check_method] = { 'status': self.results[check]['status'], 'timestamp': self.results[check]['timestamp'], 'warnings': test.warnings, 'failures': test.failures, 'successes': test.successes, 'warnings_count': test.warnings_count(), 'failures_count': test.failures_count(), 'successes_count': test.successes_count() } if not chk_results.get(check_class): chk_results[check_class] = { 'checks': check_methods, 'reports': { rpt: meta['description'] }, 'evidence': meta['evidence'], 'accreditations': list( self.controls.get_accreditations(check_class) ) } else: chk_results[check_class]['reports'][rpt] = meta['description'] format_json(chk_results, skipkeys=True, default=str), filename='check_results.json' )
def _get_test_by_class(self): """ Collect one test object per ComplianceTest class. This is required to group tests into a single report. Note that we only need _one_ test object of a certain ComplianceTest and it its attributes get updated with each test object found for that class. This will be useful for templates, where a test object is passed and it will holds all possible attributes. """ retval = {} for _, info in self.results.items(): test_obj = info['test'].test if not hasattr(test_obj, 'get_reports'): continue test_class = test_obj.__class__ if test_class in retval: retval[test_class].__dict__.update(test_obj.__dict__) else: retval[test_class] = copy.copy(test_obj) return retval def _generate_reports(self, test_by_class): """ Generate the reports per-test-class basis. If ``test.get_reports()`` replies with a list of evidence paths, then the template system is used. If not, a list of evidences is expected. :param test_by_class: a dictionary of {class: test_obj}. """ for test_class, test_obj in test_by_class.items(): # get a list of all test objects related to this test class test_infos = [ info for info in self.results.values() if info['test'].test.__class__ == test_class ] try: reports = test_obj.get_reports() except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e: log.warning( f'\n Failed to generate report for {}' f'\n Error: {e}' ) for info in test_infos: info['status'] = 'error' continue for r in reports: try: self.__render_report(r, test_obj, test_infos) except Exception as e: log.warning( f'\n Failed to generate report for {}' f'\n Error: {e.__class__.__name__} ' f'- {traceback.format_exc(-5)}' ) for info in test_infos: info['status'] = 'error' def _get_checks(self, test_obj): """ Get the check paths for all checks in the test object. :param test_obj: test object which has all the tests for check. """ checks = [] for test_id, info in self.results.items(): if info['test'].test == test_obj: checks = [ c for c in self.results.keys() if c.startswith(test_id.rsplit('.', 1)[0]) ] break return checks def __render_report(self, report, test_obj, test_infos): evidence = report if isinstance(report, str): path = report if not report.startswith('reports/'): path = 'reports/' + report evidence = get_evidence_by_path(path) self.render_evidence_with_template(evidence, test_obj) evidence, self._get_checks(test_obj), test_obj.evidences_for_check(self.results) ) for test_obj_orig in [i['test'].test for i in test_infos]: test_obj_orig.reports.append(evidence)