Source code for compliance.scripts.compliance_cli

# -*- mode:python; coding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.
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"""Compliance automation command line interface."""

from compliance import __version__
from compliance.notify import get_notifiers
from compliance.runners import CheckMode, FetchMode

from ilcli import Command

[docs]class ComplianceCLI(Command): """The Compliance Framework CLI.""" name = 'compliance' def _init_arguments(self): self.add_argument( '-V', '--version', help='Displays the auditree framework version.', action='version', version=f'Auditree Framework version v{__version__}' ) self.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', help='Displays verbose output.', action='store_const', const=2, default=1 ) self.add_argument( '--fetch', help='Enables the fetch process.', action='store_true', default=False ) self.add_argument( '--check', help=( 'Enables the check process. ' 'Check groupings can be a comma separated list without spaces.' ), metavar='chk.grp1,chk.grp2,...', nargs='?', const='' ) self.add_argument( '--evidence', help=( 'Defines the evidence storage mode. Defaults to %(default)s.' ), choices=['local', 'no-push', 'full-remote'], default='no-push' ) self.add_argument( '--fix', help='Attempts to fix check failures. Defaults to %(default)s.', choices=['off', 'on', 'dry-run'], default='off' ) self.add_argument( '-C', '--compliance-config', help='Specifies the path/name of the compliance config JSON file.', metavar='auditree.json', default=None ) self.add_argument( '--creds-path', help=( 'Specifies the path/name of the credentials ini file. ' 'Defaults to %(default)s.' ), metavar='/path/to/creds.ini', default='~/.credentials' ) notify_options = [k for k in get_notifiers().keys() if k != 'stdout'] self.add_argument( '--notify', help=( 'Specifies a list of notifiers for sending notifications. ' 'Valid values (can be a comma separated list - no spaces): ' f'{", ".join(notify_options)}. NOTE: In addition to those ' 'specified, the %(default)s notifier will always execute.' ), metavar='[slack,gh_issues,...]', default='stdout' ) self.add_argument( '--force', help='Forces an evidence to be fetched, ignoring TTL.', metavar='raw/category/evidence.ext', action='append', default=[] ) self.add_argument( '--include', help='Specifies the path/name of the fetcher include JSON file.', metavar='fetchers.json', default=None ) self.add_argument( '--exclude', help='Specifies the path/name of the fetcher exclude JSON file.', metavar='fetchers.json', default=None ) def _validate_arguments(self, args): if 'stdout' not in args.notify: args.notify += ',stdout' if args.check == '': self.parser.error( '--check option requires accreditation grouping(s).' ) if not args.fetch and not args.check: self.parser.error('--fetch or --check option is expected.') if not args.fetch and (args.include or args.exclude): self.parser.error( '--include/--exclude options only valid with --fetch.' ) if not args.check and args.fix != 'off': self.parser.error('--fix option only valid with --check.') def _validate_extra_arguments(self, extra_args): self.extra_args = list(set(extra_args) - {'--no-nose', '-s'}) unrecognized = [ea for ea in self.extra_args if ea.startswith('-')] if unrecognized: self.parser.error( f'unrecognized arguments: {", ".join(unrecognized)}' ) if '-s' in extra_args: self.out('WARNING: The -s option is deprecated/no longer used.') def _run(self, args): success = True if args.fetch: with FetchMode(args, self.extra_args) as fetch: # Handle fetcher primary run. self.out('\nFetcher Primary Run\n') success = fetch.run_fetchers() # Handle fetcher dependency reruns. previous = set() reruns = rerun_count = 1 while reruns and reruns != previous and rerun_count <= 100: # Upper bound for reruns set to 100 # to guard against endless executions. self.out(f'\nFetcher Dependency Re-Run #{rerun_count}\n') success = fetch.run_fetchers(reruns) and success rerun_count += 1 previous = reruns reruns = if reruns: success = False self.err( '\nUnable to resolve dependency issues with %s.\n', ', '.join(reruns) ) for fetch_load_error in fetch.load_errors: self.err(f'\nERROR: {fetch_load_error}\n') if args.check: with CheckMode(args, self.extra_args) as check: accreds = ', '.join(check.accreds) self.out(f'\nCheck Run - Accreditations: {accreds}\n') success = check.run_checks() and success for check_load_error in check.load_errors: self.err(f'\nERROR: {check_load_error}\n') return 0 if success else 1
[docs]def run(): """Execute the Compliance CLI.""" exit(ComplianceCLI().run())
if __name__ == '__main__': run()