Design Principles

The tool is divided in two main parts:

  • Fetch mode: the tool will collect all the evidence that is required by checks. Note that during this phase nothing is checked, only evidence collection is performed. Fetchers typically need access to third-party services using specific credentials.

  • Check mode: run checks against the evidence stored in the local evidence locker. During this phase, checks can use the evidence that fetchers gathered in the previous “fetch” phase. They can also generate reports and create notifications. Checks must not access third-party services for gathering information. It is however permissible for check fixer functions to access third-party services.

Both fetch and check phases are run by unittest. This is very convenient as fetchers and checks are loaded automatically by unittest.


Fetchers and checks manage evidence. We have defined five types of evidence (see compliance.evidence):

  • RawEvidence: Gathered by fetchers and used by checks as input. For example, a list of users in GitHub. If necessary, raw evidence can be partitioned if the content is valid JSON. All evidence content is stored as text by default but raw evidence content can be stored as binary by setting the binary_content=True keyword argument key/value pair when constructing a RawEvidence object.

  • DerivedEvidence: Gathered/Generated by fetchers and used by checks as input. Derived evidence is useful for those cases when a fetcher needs other evidence to perform computations over data collected in order to generate a new evidence. This new evidence is considered derived in the sense that its data is not the same as the source.

  • TmpEvidence: Gathered by fetchers and used by checks as input. This type of evidence is similar to RawEvidence but it is never get pushed to the remote git repository. This is useful for evidence that contains passwords or credentials.

  • ExternalEvidence: Planted in the locker with plant and used by checks as input. For example, a list of users in GitHub.

  • ReportEvidence: may be generated by checks. For instance, a report showing missing GitHub users.

See Compliance Fetchers section for conventions and expectations with respect to modifying RawEvidence.

All evidence has a settable ttl (Time To Live) property that defines how long an evidence should be considered valid. For instance, if new data is generated on a daily basis then evidence gathered for that data should only be valid for 1 day. For this reason, any check trying to use evidence with an expired ttl will error.

All evidence has an is_empty property that defines an evidence’s empty state. This provides value when monitoring evidence content for completness. The property can be overridden to define “empty” for any given evidence. By default evidence is considered empty if it has no content, is all whitespace, or if it is JSON and is an empty dictionary or list ({}, []).

Evidence Locker

The Locker is a helper for storing evidence securely in a Git repository. Locker is responsible for:

  • Storing evidence files properly in Git so changes can be tracked. Provide the repo_url to define the remote evidence locker location and the git configuration through gitconfig parameter as a dictionary. You can provide the user full name, email and also activate commit GPG siging (which is the recommended way). As an example of this, your config file might look like:

      "locker": {
        "repo_url": "",
        "gitconfig": {
          "commit": {"gpgsign": true},
          "gpg": {"program": "gpg2"},
          "user": {
            "signingKey": "AABBCCDD",
            "email": "",
            "name": "compliance-robot"

    All git options are accepted. Set your git configuration with care, paying special attention to those attributes within the core section.

  • Validating the ttl for a given evidence. An optional evidence ttl tolerance value can be configured to be applied during fetcher execution. This value (in seconds) tells fetchers to retrieve evidence that is nearly but not yet stale. If no value is supplied then fetchers will only retrieve new evidence after ttl has expired. You can set the optional ttl_tolerance value in your configuration JSON file like so:

      "locker": {
        "repo_url": "",
        "ttl_tolerance": 3600

    Check execution is not affected by this optional tolerance value because checks should only interact with evidence that is fresh (not stale).

  • It’s generally a good idea to regularly “archive” an evidence locker in favor of a fresh one. A yearly locker archive/refresh is a good guideline to follow. However in cases where checks may need to reference historical evidence, using a new locker will cause undesirable results in the short term. For cases like this referencing historical evidence from a previous locker is possible by using the prev_repo_url option. With that option set, a check that is unable to find historical evidence in the current evidence locker will be able to download the previous locker and look for the historical evidence there. Setting the option in your configuration JSON file would look similar to:

      "locker": {
        "repo_url": "",
        "prev_repo_url": ""

    The previous locker will no longer be downloaded once the new locker is primed with enough historical evidence to support all checks.

  • A locker can grow large, causing CI/CD jobs to run longer than desired due to locker download time. So in addition to a sound locker archiving strategy, it is also possible to configure your locker to only download recent commits by using the shallow_days option. Setting the option in your configuration JSON file would look similar to:

      "locker": {
        "repo_url": "",
        "prev_repo_url": "",
        "shallow_days": 10

    When shallow_days is supplied, only commits since the current date minus the number of days set as shallow_days are included in the locker download. The option applies to both the locker and the previous locker (if applicable).

  • Remote hosting services (Github, Gitlab, BitBucket) typically have file size limitations that can vary from service instance to service instance. Exceeding a maximum file size will in turn cause the service managing your evidence locker to reject a remote locker Git push request. Unfortunately rejection notices from a service aren’t always the most descriptive so it often isn’t clear why your push request was rejected. To that end, prior to a remote push, the framework will log a list of “largely sized” files. The large file size threshold is configurable and can be set by using the large_file_threshold option. The value is in bytes and defaults to 50 MB. Setting the option in your configuration JSON file would look similar to:

      "locker": {
        "repo_url": "",
        "large_file_threshold": 50000000

    This should hopefully add some detail to a remote Git push rejection.

Compliance Fetchers

All the fetchers should be implemented as a child class of ComplianceFetcher. Note that this class provides a set of methods that could be useful for saving some code.

The run-time engine will collect all the fetchers and run all of them when –fetch option is provided.

The typical implementation of a ComplianceFetcher would be like this:

raw_evidence = fetch('the evidence')

A fetcher should collect the data (from whatever source) and then store it straight to the locker. Thus, the fetcher should not modify any data from the source to keep it raw.

However, there are some changes that can be applied and do not modify the original meaning of the generated raw evidence. The aim of these exception are to avoid committing data into the locker that has not changed.

A few examples of what it is allowed:

  • Sorting (e.g. sort a JSON blob by keys)

  • Modifying data in a equivalent way. For instance, storing seconds instead of milli-seconds. A good rule of thumb for this could be: from the test code, would I be able to re-build the original value of the raw evidence?. If the answer is Yes, then it is likely that the modification is fine.

In any case, any modification of a new raw evidence must be approved and agreed by the reviewers. By default, do not modify the raw data. If you need to, then you should consider using derived evidence.

This is a list of modifications that are completely forbidden:

  • Adding live-generated data that does not come from the source.

  • Applying check-like logic (e.g. your data update if it includes an if). Checks should test the evidence, not fetchers.

Evidence Validation

A fetcher should only fetch data and store that data as evidence if the current version of that evidence is stale (ttl has expired). To that end we’ve provided some helpful decorators and context managers that validate ttl for you and if necessary write the evidence to the evidence locker for you after it has been fetched.

  • store_raw_evidence and store_tmp_evidence decorators: Use one of these decorators on your fetcher method when you know the path and name of your raw or tmp evidence. The decorator takes as an argument, the path to your raw or tmp evidence as a string.

Usage example:

from compliance.evidence import store_raw_evidence
    # Fetcher code only executes if evidence is stale
    # Get the data from wherever
    foo_bar_data = self._get_from_wherever(...)
    # Return the content as a string
    # The decorator will write it to the evidence locker
    return json.dumps(foo_bar_data)
  • raw_evidence and tmp_evidence context managers: Use one of these context managers within your fetcher method when your fetcher retrieves multiple, similar raw or tmp evidence based on a dynamic set of configurable values. In other words the full name and content of evidence is based on a configuration and not known prior to execution of the fetcher logic. The context manager takes as arguments, a locker object and the path to your raw or tmp evidence as a string. The context manager yields the corresponding raw or tmp evidence object.

    Usage example:

    from compliance.evidence import raw_evidence
        for system in systems:
            evidence_path = 'foo/evidence_bar_{}.json'.format(system)
            with raw_evidence(, evidence_path) as evidence:
                # None is returned if evidence is not stale
                if evidence:
                    # Get the data from wherever
                    foo_bar_data = self._get_from_wherever(...)
                    # Set the content as a string
                    # Upon exit it is written to the evidence locker


    This approach will not produce multiple log lines when the fetcher is run as everything is executed within.

    See @parameterized if you want to generate multiple running fetchers based on parameter set.

  • store_derived_evidence decorator: Use this decorator on your fetcher method when you know the paths and names of your source evidences and the path and name of your target derived evidence. The decorator takes as arguments, a list of source evidence paths as strings and a target derived evidence path as a string. It also passes the source evidences to the decorated method in the form of method arguments.

    Usage example:

    from compliance.evidence import store_derived_evidence
        ['raw/foo/evidence_bar.json', 'raw/foo/evidence_baz.json'],
    fetch_foo_bar_baz_derived_evidence(self, bar_evidence, baz_evidence):
        # Fetcher code only executes if evidence is stale
        # Construct your derived evidence
        derived_data = self._do_whatever(bar_evidence, baz_evidence)
        # Return the content as a string
        # The decorator will write it to the evidence locker
        return json.dumps(derived_data)
  • derived_evidence context manager: Use this context manager within your fetcher method when your fetcher generates multiple, similar derived evidences based on a dynamic set of configurable values. In other words the name and content of the evidences are based on a configuration and not known prior to execution of the fetcher logic. The context manager takes as arguments, a locker object, source evidence paths and a target derived evidence path as a string. The source evidence paths can be in the form of a list of paths as strings, a dictionary of key/values pairs as strings where the key is an evidence short name and the value is the evidence path, or simply a single evidence path as a string. The context manager yields a dictionary containing the source and target evidences as the dictionary values. The source evidence key is its evidence path if a list of source paths were provided or its evidence short name if a dictionary of paths were provided or “source” if a single evidence path in the form of a string was provided. The target derived evidence key is always “derived”.

    Usage example (source list provided):

    from compliance.evidence import derived_evidence
        for system in systems:
            sources = ['raw/foo/evidence_bar.json', 'raw/foo/evidence_baz.json']
            target = 'foo/derived_bar_baz_{}.json'.format(system)
            with derived_evidence(, sources, target) as evidences:
                # None is returned if target evidence is not stale
                if evidences:
                    # Construct your derived evidence
                    derived_data = self._do_whatever(
                    # Set the content as a string
                    # Upon exit it is written to the evidence locker

    Usage example (source dictionary provided):

    from compliance.evidence import derived_evidence
        for system in systems:
            sources = {
                'bar': 'raw/foo/evidence_bar.json',
                'baz': 'raw/foo/evidence_baz.json'
            target = 'foo/derived_bar_baz_{}.json'.format(system)
            with derived_evidence(, sources, target) as evidences:
                # None is returned if target evidence is not stale
                if evidences:
                    # Construct your derived evidence
                    derived_data = self._do_whatever(
                    # Set the content as a string
                    # Upon exit it is written to the evidence locker

    Usage example (source string provided):

    from compliance.evidence import derived_evidence
        for system in systems:
            source = 'raw/foo/evidence_bar.json'
            target = 'foo/derived_bar_{}.json'.format(system)
            with derived_evidence(, source, target) as evidences:
                # None is returned if target evidence is not stale
                if evidences:
                    # Construct your derived evidence
                    derived_data = self._do_whatever(evidences['source'])
                    # Set the content as a string
                    # Upon exit it is written to the evidence locker
  • @parameterized helper: it is often that a fetcher implementation is general enough to be used multiple by diferent parameters. A good example is a fetcher that collects resources of a cloud provider on several accounts. The implementation is exactly the same across the different accounts.

    One option to implement this is using the raw_evidence or tmp_evidence context-managers previously described. However, it has its own caveats. For instance, in the run log there will only be one fetcher execution although it would be great if each parameter generates a log line where it could be seen in detail what happened if something goes wrong.

    parameterized is an external library that can be used for generating multiple fetchers at runtime.


    parameterized is not installed as part of the auditree-framework. Remember to get installed if you use it in your project!

    Usage example:

    from parameterized import parameterized
    def _get_domains():
        return get_config().get('')
    def fetch_foo_bar_evidence(self, domain):
        with raw_evidence(, f'user/{domain}_users.json') as evidence:
            if evidence:
                data = get(f'https://{domain}/users')

    In this example, auditree will generate multiple fetch_foo_bar_evidence methods at runtime, one per domain obtained from the configuration.

Evidence Dependency Chaining

Sometimes a fetcher needs evidence gathered by another fetcher in order to perform its fetching operation. For example, a fetcher may need to collect hardware/software inventory based on certain accounts/environments gathered by another fetcher or fetchers. Since order of execution cannot be guaranteed, it is possible that a dependent fetcher (inventory) will run prior to the fetcher that gathers the (accounts/environments) evidence that it depends on. In order to ensure that dependent evidence is always gathered, use the evidence.get_evidence_dependency helper function in the dependent fetcher to access the evidence that the fetcher depends on. Using this function ensures re-execution of the fetcher in the event that the dependent evidence has not yet been populated/refreshed due to fetcher order of execution. Once all fetchers have executed, the framework will re-execute all fetchers that failed due to an unavailable evidence dependency.

get_evidence_dependency usage example:

from compliance.evidence import store_raw_evidence, get_evidence_dependency
    baz_evidence = get_evidence_dependency(
    foo_bar_data = self._get_from_wherever_using_baz(baz_evidence, ...)
    return json.dumps(foo_bar_data)

Fetcher Execution

By default the Auditree framework will run all fetchers (tests prefixed by fetch_) that it can find. However, it is possible to limit fetcher execution in bulk by using the --include and/or exclude CLI options while providing a file path/name to a JSON config file containing a list of fetchers to include/exclude. The format of the JSON config file is a list of fetcher classes. Where a fetcher class is represented as a string dot notation path to the fetcher class.

Fetcher include/exclude JSON config file example:


Compliance Checks

ComplianceCheck is the parent class of any set of checks that should be executed by the system. The run-time engine will collect all the checks and run them when the --check option is provided on the command line.

Checks assume that all evidence is retrieved by fetchers. Consequently checks should not be used to retrieve or store any RawEvidence in the evidence locker. Each check class may have from one to multiple checks defined (that is, a check is a method prefixed with test_ in a check class). Each of these checks will be executed by the Auditree framework with the following possible results:

  • OK: the check ran successfully and passed all validations.

  • WARN: the check ran successfully but issued warnings based on validation results. A warning can represent a possible failure in the future.

  • FAIL: the check ran successfully but did not pass all validations.

  • ERROR: the check stopped abruptly and was not able to complete all validations.

Evidence Validation

A check should only perform operations on evidence if the current version of that evidence is not stale (ttl has not expired). To that end we’ve provided some helpful decorators and context managers that validate ttl for you and will ERROR the check if evidence ttl has expired prior to executing the check’s logic.

  • with_raw_evidences, with_derived_evidences, with_tmp_evidences, and with_external_evidences decorators: Use these decorators on your check method when you know the path and name of your raw, derived, tmp or external evidence. Each decorator takes as arguments, the paths to your evidence as strings or as evidence LazyLoader named tuples. Evidence LazyLoader has path and ev_class (evidence class) as attributes. If the requested evidence pass TTL validation the evidence is then passed along to the decorated method in the form of method arguments. Use an evidence LazyLoader when dealing with sub-classed RawEvidence, DerivedEvidence, TmpEvidence, or ExternalEvidence, and you want the evidence provided to the decorated method to be cast as that sub-classed evidence otherwise use a string path and the evidence will be provided as the appropriate base evidence. A LazyLoader named tuple can be constructed by executing the lazy_load class method of any evidence class such as BarEvidence.lazy_load('foo/evidence_bar.json').

Usage example:

from compliance.evidence import with_raw_evidences
from my_pkg.bar_evidence import BarEvidence
test_bar_vs_baz(self, bar_evidence, baz_evidence):
    # Check code only executes if evidence is not stale.
    # Perform your check logic
    failures, warnings, successes = self._do_whatever(
        bar_evidence, baz_evidence
    self.add_failures('bar vs. baz', failures)
    self.add_warnings('bar vs. baz', warnings)
    self.add_successes('bar vs. baz', successes)
  • evidences context manager: Use this context manager within your check method when your check method acts on multiple, similar evidence based on a dynamic set of configurable values. In other words the full name and content of evidence is based on a configuration and not known prior to execution of the check logic. The context manager takes as arguments, the check (self) object and either evidence paths strings or LazyLoader named tuples. Evidence LazyLoader has path and ev_class (evidence class) as attributes. The evidence arguments can be in the form of a list of paths as strings or LazyLoader named tuples, a dictionary of key/values pairs where the key is an evidence short name and the value is the evidence path as a string or a LazyLoader named tuple, or simply a single evidence path as a string or LazyLoader named tuple. The context manager yields a dictionary containing the evidence as the dictionary values if a list or dictionary of evidence paths or LazyLoader named tuples are provided and yields an evidence object if a single evidence path as a string or LazyLoader named tuple is provided. When a dictionary is yielded by the context manager, the evidence key is its evidence path if a list of evidence paths or LazyLoader named tuples were provided or its evidence short name if a dictionary of evidence paths or LazyLoader named tuples were provided. A LazyLoader named tuple can be constructed by executing the lazy_load class method of any evidence class such as BarEvidence.lazy_load('foo/evidence_bar.json').

Usage example (list provided):

from compliance.evidence import evidences
from my_pkg.bar_evidence import BarEvidence
    for system in systems:
        evidence_paths = [
        with evidences(self, evidence_paths) as evidences:
            # Check code only executes if evidence is not stale.
            # Perform your check logic
            failures, warnings, successes = self._do_whatever(
            self.add_failures('bar vs. baz', failures)
            self.add_warnings('bar vs. baz', warnings)
            self.add_successes('bar vs. baz', successes)

Usage example (dictionary provided):

from compliance.evidence import evidences
from my_pkg.bar_evidence import BarEvidence
    for system in systems:
        evidence_paths = {
            'bar': BarEvidence.lazy_load('foo/evidence_bar.json'),
            'baz': 'raw/foo/evidence_baz.json'
        with evidences(self, evidence_paths) as evidences:
            # Check code only executes if evidence is not stale.
            # Perform your check logic
            failures, warnings, successes = self._do_whatever(
            self.add_failures('bar vs. baz', failures)
            self.add_warnings('bar vs. baz', warnings)
            self.add_successes('bar vs. baz', successes)

Usage example (string path provided):

from compliance.evidence import evidences
    for system in systems:
        evidence_path = 'raw/foo/evidence_bar.json'
        with evidences(self, evidence_path) as evidence:
            # Check code only executes if evidence is not stale.
            # Perform your check logic
            failures, warnings, successes = self._do_whatever(evidence)
            self.add_failures('bar stuff', failures)
            self.add_warnings('bar stuff', warnings)
            self.add_successes('bar stuff', successes)

Usage example (LazyLoader provided):

from compliance.evidence import evidences
from my_pkg.bar_evidence import BarEvidence
    for system in systems:
        lazy_evidence = BarEvidence.lazy_load('foo/evidence_bar.json')
        with evidences(self, lazy_evidence) as evidence:
            # Check code only executes if evidence is not stale.
            # Perform your check logic
            failures, warnings, successes = self._do_whatever(evidence)
            self.add_failures('bar stuff', failures)
            self.add_warnings('bar stuff', warnings)
            self.add_successes('bar stuff', successes)

Check Execution

The Auditree framework executes checks (tests prefixed by test_) based on accreditation groupings defined in a controls.json config file. This is especially useful when targeting check result content to the appropriate groups of people. The framework will by default look for controls.json in the current directory. It is possible to supply the framework with alternate controls.json location(s) by providing an alternate path or paths at the end of a compliance check execution command via the CLI. In the case of multiple locations, the framework will combine the content of all controls.json files found together. With this check to accreditation mapping, the framework can execute checks based on the accreditations passed to the framework by the CLI.

controls.json content format example:

  "chk_pkg.chk_cat_foo.checks.chk_module_foo.FooCheckClass": [""],
  "chk_pkg.chk_cat_bar.checks.chk_module_bar.BarCheckClass": ["", "accred.two"]


After checks have been run, but before notifications or reports are generated, the Auditree framework will optionally try to fix the issues automatically. This is controlled with the --fix option. By default it is off, and this is the mode that is used during the daily CI runs in Travis. But you can also set it to dry-run or on.

In dry-run mode, the fixes are not actually run, but instead a message is printed out for each fix indicating what action would be attempted.

When fixes are run for real, they will attempt to perform the actions listed in dry-run mode. If the fix succeeds, then a counter fixed_failure_count will be incremented. This counter is displayed in the notification message.

See Fixers section for more information.

Report Builder

Once the execution of all checks and (optionally) fixers have been executed, the ReportBuilder generates reports by inspecting each check and storing the results in the locker. These reports are useful for providing detailed information regarding what failures were found.

See Report Builder section for more information.


After reports have been generated, the tool will collect notification messages from them and will create a _BaseNotifier object which deals with the specific notification mechanism (e.g. send Slack message, print messages to stdout, etc).

See Notifiers section for more information.

Execution Config

The Auditree framework is designed to be run locally from your PC or from a CI server like Jenkins or Travis. The execution can be tweaked at 2 levels:

  • Command line arguments: the tool accepts to be configured through the command line for most important bits (evidence repo location, notification mode, etc.)

  • Component specific: by using JSON files and -C option, you can specify configuration values for different components. For instance, if you use --notify slack, then you can configure this component to send notifications to different people/channels based on the accreditation. See Notifiers section to see this example.


There are 2 ways for providing credentials:

  1. Local file: if you want to configure your credentials in a local file, you will have to provide the the framework using --creds-path option. This file should be similar to this:

    # -*- mode:conf -*-
    # Token for to be used by the Locker
    # Webhook for Slack notifications
    # token=XXX  # can be used instead of webhook
    # Token for PagerDuty notifications
  2. Environment variables: each section and field of the local file can be rendered as an environment variable. For instance, suppose your code requires creds['github'].token or creds['slack'].webhook. You just need to export:



    This is equivalent to the credentials file:


Creds with .env files and 1Password

Combining the method based on passing env vars to Auditree and 1Password CLI, it is possible to grab the secrets from 1Password and inject them into Auditree. Here it is how to do it:

  1. Create the following alias:

    alias compliance="op run --env-file .env -- compliance"
  2. In your fetchers/checks project, create an .env file with the following schema:


    For example:

  3. Now running compliance will pull credentials from 1Password vaults.