Rules Related To 'ntpdate'

Component overview

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Rule details

Uninstall the ntpdate package



ntpdate is a historical ntp synchronization client for unixes. It sould be uninstalled.


ntpdate is an old not security-compliant ntp client. It should be replaced by modern ntp clients such as ntpd, able to use cryptographic mechanisms integrated in NTP.

Disable ntpdate Service (ntpdate)



The ntpdate service sets the local hardware clock by polling NTP servers when the system boots. It synchronizes to the NTP servers listed in /etc/ntp/step-tickers or /etc/ntp.conf and then sets the local hardware clock to the newly synchronized system time. The ntpdate service can be disabled with the following command:

$ sudo systemctl mask --now ntpdate.service


The ntpdate service may only be suitable for systems which are rebooted frequently enough that clock drift does not cause problems between reboots. In any event, the functionality of the ntpdate service is now available in the ntpd program and should be considered deprecated.