Rules Related To 'talk'

Component overview

Relevant packages:

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Rule details

Uninstall talk-server Package



The talk-server package can be removed with the following command:

 $ sudo yum erase talk-server


The talk software presents a security risk as it uses unencrypted protocols for communications. Removing the talk-server package decreases the risk of the accidental (or intentional) activation of talk services.

Uninstall talk Package



The talk package contains the client program for the Internet talk protocol, which allows the user to chat with other users on different systems. Talk is a communication program which copies lines from one terminal to the terminal of another user. The talk package can be removed with the following command:

$ sudo yum erase talk


The talk software presents a security risk as it uses unencrypted protocols for communications. Removing the talk package decreases the risk of the accidental (or intentional) activation of talk client program.