FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a traditional and widely used standard tool for
transferring files between a server and clients over a network, especially where no
authentication is necessary (permits anonymous users to connect to a server).
The ftp
package can be removed with the following command:
$ sudo yum erase ftp
FTP does not protect the confidentiality of data or authentication credentials. It is recommended SFTP be used if file transfer is required. Unless there is a need to run the system as a FTP server (for example, to allow anonymous downloads), it is recommended that the package be removed to reduce the potential attack surface.
tnftp an enhanced FTP client, is the user interface to the Internet standard File
Transfer Protocol. The program allows a user to transfer files to and from a remote
network site.
The ftp
package can be removed with the following command:
$ sudo yum erase ftp
Unless there is a need to run the system using Internet standard File Transfer Protocol (for example, to allow anonymous downloads), it is recommended that the package be removed to reduce the potential attack surface.