Assign a password to the system boot firmware (historically called BIOS on PC systems) to require a password for any configuration changes.
Assigning a password to the system boot firmware prevents anyone with physical access from configuring the system to boot from local media and circumvent the operating system's access controls. For systems in physically secure locations, such as a data center or Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), this risk must be weighed against the risk of administrative personnel being unable to conduct recovery operations in a timely fashion.
Configure the system boot firmware (historically called BIOS on PC systems) to disallow booting from USB drives.
Booting a system from a USB device would allow an attacker to circumvent any security measures provided by the operating system. Attackers could mount partitions and modify the configuration of the OS.
Reboot the system and enter the BIOS or Setup configuration menu. Navigate the BIOS configuration menu and make sure that the option is enabled. The setting may be located under a Security section. Look for Execute Disable (XD) on Intel-based systems and No Execute (NX) on AMD-based systems.
Computers with the ability to prevent this type of code execution frequently put an option in the BIOS that will allow users to turn the feature on or off at will.
The operating system must conduct backups of user data contained in the operating system. The operating system provides utilities for automating backups of user data. Commercial and open-source products are also available.
Operating system backup is a critical step in maintaining data assurance and availability. User-level information is data generated by information system and/or application users. Backups shall be consistent with organizational recovery time and recovery point objectives.
The prelinking feature changes binaries in an attempt to decrease their startup time. In order to disable it, change or add the following line inside the file /etc/sysconfig/prelink:
PRELINKING=noNext, run the following command to return binaries to a normal, non-prelinked state:
$ sudo /usr/sbin/prelink -ua
Because the prelinking feature changes binaries, it can interfere with the operation of certain software and/or modes such as AIDE, FIPS, etc.
Ubuntu 24.04 natively supports partition encryption through the
Linux Unified Key Setup-on-disk-format (LUKS) technology. The easiest way to
encrypt a partition is during installation time.
For manual installations, select the Encrypt checkbox during
partition creation to encrypt the partition. When this
option is selected the system will prompt for a passphrase to use in
decrypting the partition. The passphrase will subsequently need to be entered manually
every time the system boots.
Detailed information on encrypting partitions using LUKS or LUKS ciphers can be found on
the Ubuntu 24.04 Documentation web site:
The risk of a system's physical compromise, particularly mobile systems such as laptops, places its data at risk of compromise. Encrypting this data mitigates the risk of its loss if the system is lost.
nftables is a replacement for iptables, ip6tables, ebtables and arptables
It is possible to mix iptables and nftables. However, this increases complexity and also the chance to introduce errors. For simplicity flush out all iptables rules, and ensure it is not loaded.
Mail Transfer Agents (MTA), such as sendmail and Postfix, are used to listen for incoming mail and transfer the messages to the appropriate user or mail server. If the system is not intended to be a mail server, it is recommended that the MTA be configured to only process local mail.
The software for all Mail Transfer Agents is complex and most have a long history of security issues. While it is important to ensure that the system can process local mail messages, it is not necessary to have the MTA's daemon listening on a port unless the server is intended to be a mail server that receives and processes mail from other systems.
Virus scanning software can be used to protect a system from penetration from computer viruses and to limit their spread through intermediate systems. The virus scanning software should be configured to perform scans dynamically on accessed files. If this capability is not available, the system must be configured to scan, at a minimum, all altered files on the system on a daily basis. If the system processes inbound SMTP mail, the virus scanner must be configured to scan all received mail.
Virus scanning software can be used to detect if a system has been compromised by computer viruses, as well as to limit their spread to other systems.
Verify that an Endpoint Security Solution has been deployed on the operating system. If there is not an Endpoint Security Solution deployed, this is a finding.
Without the use of automated mechanisms to scan for security flaws on a continuous and/or periodic basis, the operating system or other system components may remain vulnerable to the exploits presented by undetected software flaws. To support this requirement, the operating system may have an integrated solution incorporating continuous scanning and periodic scanning using other tools, as specified in the requirement.
The base Ubuntu 24.04 platform already includes a sophisticated auditing system that can detect intruder activity, as well as SELinux, which provides host-based intrusion prevention capabilities by confining privileged programs and user sessions which may become compromised.
Host-based intrusion detection tools provide a system-level defense when an intruder gains access to a system or network.
To enable processing of sensitive information the operating system must provide certified cryptographic modules compliant with FIPS 140-2 standard. Ubuntu Linux is supported by Canonical Ltd. As the Ubuntu Linux Vendor, Canonical Ltd. is responsible for government certifications and standards. Users of Ubuntu Linux either need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription or need to be using Ubuntu Pro from a sponsored vendor in order to have access to FIPS content supported by Canonical.
The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140-2, (FIPS PUB 140-2) is a computer security standard. The standard specifies security requirements for cryptographic modules used to protect sensitive unclassified information. Refer to the full FIPS 140-2 standard at for further details on the requirements. FIPS 140-2 validation is required by U.S. law when information systems use cryptography to protect sensitive government information. In order to achieve FIPS 140-2 certification, cryptographic modules are subject to extensive testing by independent laboratories, accredited by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The installed operating system must be maintained by a vendor. Red Hat Enterprise Linux is supported by Red Hat, Inc. As the Red Hat Enterprise Linux vendor, Red Hat, Inc. is responsible for providing security patches.
An operating system is considered "supported" if the vendor continues to provide security patches for the product. With an unsupported release, it will not be possible to resolve any security issue discovered in the system software.
Any ports that have been opened on non-loopback addresses need firewall rules to govern traffic.
Without a firewall rule configured for open ports default firewall policy will drop all packets to these ports.
Any ports that have been opened on non-loopback addresses need firewall rules to govern traffic.
Without a firewall rule configured for open ports default firewall policy will drop all packets to these ports.
A network port is identified by its number, the associated IP address, and the type of the communication protocol such as TCP or UDP. A listening port is a network port on which an application or process listens on, acting as a communication endpoint. Each listening port can be open or closed (filtered) using a firewall. In general terms, an open port is a network port that accepts incoming packets from remote locations.
Services listening on the system pose a potential risk as an attack vector. These services should be reviewed, and if not required, the service should be stopped, and the package containing the service should be removed. If required packages have a dependency, the service should be stopped and masked to reduce the attack surface of the system.
Multiple Domain Name System (DNS) Servers should be configured in /etc/resolv.conf. This provides redundant name resolution services in the event that a domain server crashes. To configure the system to contain as least 2 DNS servers, add a corresponding nameserver ip_address entry in /etc/resolv.conf for each DNS server where ip_address is the IP address of a valid DNS server. For example:
search nameserver nameserver
To provide availability for name resolution services, multiple redundant name servers are mandated. A failure in name resolution could lead to the failure of security functions requiring name resolution, which may include time synchronization, centralized authentication, and remote system logging.
Dynamic DNS allows clients to dynamically update their own DNS records. The updates are transmitted by unencrypted means which can reveal information to a potential malicious user. If the system does not require Dynamic DNS, remove all DHCP_HOSTNAME references from the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-interface scripts. If dhclient is used, remove all send host-name hostname references from the /etc/dhclient.conf configuration file and/or any reference from the /etc/dhcp directory.
Dynamic DNS updates transmit unencrypted information about a system including its name and address and should not be used unless needed.
Zeroconf networking allows the system to assign itself an IP address and engage in IP communication without a statically-assigned address or even a DHCP server. Automatic address assignment via Zeroconf (or DHCP) is not recommended. To disable Zeroconf automatic route assignment in the subnet, add or correct the following line in /etc/sysconfig/network:
Zeroconf addresses are in the network The networking scripts add entries to the system's routing table for these addresses. Zeroconf address assignment commonly occurs when the system is configured to use DHCP but fails to receive an address assignment from the DHCP server.
By default, non-privileged users are given permissions to modify networking interfaces and configurations using the nmcli command. Non-privileged users should not be making configuration changes to network configurations. To ensure that non-privileged users do not have permissions to make changes to the network configuration using nmcli, create the following configuration in /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/20-org.d/10-nm-harden-access.pkla:
[Disable General User Access to NetworkManager] Identity=default Action=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.* ResultAny=no ResultInactive=no ResultActive=auth_admin
Allowing non-privileged users to make changes to network settings can allow untrusted access, prevent system availability, and/or can lead to a compromise or attack.
The system should not be acting as a network sniffer, which can capture all traffic on the network to which it is connected. Run the following to determine if any interface is running in promiscuous mode:
$ ip link | grep PROMISCPromiscuous mode of an interface can be disabled with the following command:
$ sudo ip link set dev device_name multicast off promisc off
Network interfaces in promiscuous mode allow for the capture of all network traffic
visible to the system. If unauthorized individuals can access these applications, it
may allow them to collect information such as logon IDs, passwords, and key exchanges
between systems.
If the system is being used to perform a network troubleshooting function, the use of these
tools must be documented with the Information Systems Security Manager (ISSM) and restricted
to only authorized personnel.
The shosts.equiv file lists remote hosts and users that are trusted by the local system. To remove these files, run the following command to delete them from any location:
$ sudo rm /[path]/[to]/[file]/shosts.equiv
The shosts.equiv files are used to configure host-based authentication for the system via SSH. Host-based authentication is not sufficient for preventing unauthorized access to the system, as it does not require interactive identification and authentication of a connection request, or for the use of two-factor authentication.
The files /etc/hosts.equiv and ~/.rhosts (in each user's home directory) list remote hosts and users that are trusted by the local system when using the rshd daemon. To remove these files, run the following command to delete them from any location:
$ sudo rm /etc/hosts.equiv
$ rm ~/.rhosts
This action is only meaningful if .rhosts support is permitted through PAM. Trust files are convenient, but when used in conjunction with the R-services, they can allow unauthenticated access to a system.
The ~/.shosts (in each user's home directory) files list remote hosts and users that are trusted by the local system. To remove these files, run the following command to delete them from any location:
$ sudo find / -name '.shosts' -type f -delete
The .shosts files are used to configure host-based authentication for individual users or the system via SSH. Host-based authentication is not sufficient for preventing unauthorized access to the system, as it does not require interactive identification and authentication of a connection request, or for the use of two-factor authentication.
Prefer installation of 64-bit operating systems when the CPU supports it.
Use of a 64-bit operating system offers a few advantages, like a larger address space range for Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) and systematic presence of No eXecute and Execute Disable (NX/XD) protection bits.
To set the default policy to DROP (instead of ACCEPT) for the built-in INPUT chain which processes incoming packets, add or correct the following line in /etc/iptables/rules.v6:
:INPUT DROP [0:0]If changes were required, reload the ip6tables rules:
$ sudo service ip6tables reload
In ip6tables, the default policy is applied only after all the applicable rules in the table are examined for a match. Setting the default policy to DROP implements proper design for a firewall, i.e. any packets which are not explicitly permitted should not be accepted.
To set the default policy to DROP (instead of ACCEPT) for the built-in INPUT chain which processes incoming packets, add or correct the following line in /etc/iptables/rules.v4:
In iptables the default policy is applied only after all the applicable rules in the table are examined for a match. Setting the default policy to DROP implements proper design for a firewall, i.e. any packets which are not explicitly permitted should not be accepted.
To set the default policy to DROP (instead of ACCEPT) for the built-in FORWARD chain which processes packets that will be forwarded from one interface to another, add or correct the following line in /etc/sysconfig/iptables:
In iptables, the default policy is applied only after all the applicable rules in the table are examined for a match. Setting the default policy to DROP implements proper design for a firewall, i.e. any packets which are not explicitly permitted should not be accepted.
Configure the firewall rules for new outbound and established connections.
If rules are not in place for new outbound, and established connections all packets will be dropped by the default policy preventing network usage.
Configure the loopback interface to accept traffic. Configure all other interfaces to deny traffic to the loopback network.
Loopback traffic is generated between processes on machine and is typically critical to operation of the system. The loopback interface is the only place that loopback network traffic should be seen, all other interfaces should ignore traffic on this network as an anti-spoofing measure.
Configure the loopback interface to accept traffic. Configure all other interfaces to deny traffic to the loopback network.
Loopback traffic is generated between processes on machine and is typically critical to operation of the system. The loopback interface is the only place that loopback network traffic should be seen, all other interfaces should ignore traffic on this network as an anti-spoofing measure.
The file /etc/init.d/functions includes initialization parameters for most or all daemons started at boot time. Many daemons on the system already individually restrict themselves to a umask of 077 in their own init scripts. By default, the umask of 022 is set which prevents creation of group- or world-writable files. To set the umask for daemons expected by the profile, edit the following line:
umask $var_umask_for_daemons
The umask influences the permissions assigned to files created by a process at run time. An unnecessarily permissive umask could result in files being created with insecure permissions.
Some machines that include built-in wireless support offer the ability to disable the device through the BIOS. This is hardware-specific; consult your hardware manual or explore the BIOS setup during boot.
Disabling wireless support in the BIOS prevents easy activation of the wireless interface, generally requiring administrators to reboot the system first.
Deactivating wireless network interfaces should prevent normal usage of the wireless
Verify that there are no wireless interfaces configured on the system
with the following command:
$ ls -L -d /sys/class/net/*/wireless | xargs dirname | xargs basename -a
The use of wireless networking can introduce many different attack vectors into the organization's network. Common attack vectors such as malicious association and ad hoc networks will allow an attacker to spoof a wireless access point (AP), allowing validated systems to connect to the malicious AP and enabling the attacker to monitor and record network traffic. These malicious APs can also serve to create a man-in-the-middle attack or be used to create a denial of service to valid network resources.