ANSSI-BP-028 (minimal)

Mapping CCE Rule Title Description Rationale Variable Setting
R31 CCE-80652-1 Set Password Minimum Length in login.defs To specify password length requirements for new accounts, edit the file /etc/login.defs and add or correct the following line:

The DoD requirement is 15. The FISMA requirement is 12. The profile requirement is 15. If a program consults /etc/login.defs and also another PAM module (such as pam_pwquality) during a password change operation, then the most restrictive must be satisfied. See PAM section for more information about enforcing password quality requirements.
Requiring a minimum password length makes password cracking attacks more difficult by ensuring a larger search space. However, any security benefit from an onerous requirement must be carefully weighed against usability problems, support costs, or counterproductive behavior that may result. var_accounts_password_minlen_login_defs=15
R31 CCE-80653-9 Ensure PAM Enforces Password Requirements - Minimum Digit Characters The pam_pwquality module's dcredit parameter controls requirements for usage of digits in a password. When set to a negative number, any password will be required to contain that many digits. When set to a positive number, pam_pwquality will grant +1 additional length credit for each digit. Modify the dcredit setting in /etc/security/pwquality.conf to require the use of a digit in passwords. Use of a complex password helps to increase the time and resources required to compromise the password. Password complexity, or strength, is a measure of the effectiveness of a password in resisting attempts at guessing and brute-force attacks.

Password complexity is one factor of several that determines how long it takes to crack a password. The more complex the password, the greater the number of possible combinations that need to be tested before the password is compromised. Requiring digits makes password guessing attacks more difficult by ensuring a larger search space.
R31 CCE-80655-4 Ensure PAM Enforces Password Requirements - Minimum Lowercase Characters The pam_pwquality module's lcredit parameter controls requirements for usage of lowercase letters in a password. When set to a negative number, any password will be required to contain that many lowercase characters. When set to a positive number, pam_pwquality will grant +1 additional length credit for each lowercase character. Modify the lcredit setting in /etc/security/pwquality.conf to require the use of a lowercase character in passwords. Use of a complex password helps to increase the time and resources required to compromise the password. Password complexity, or strength, is a measure of the effectiveness of a password in resisting attempts at guessing and brute-force attacks.
Password complexity is one factor of several that determines how long it takes to crack a password. The more complex the password, the greater the number of possble combinations that need to be tested before the password is compromised. Requiring a minimum number of lowercase characters makes password guessing attacks more difficult by ensuring a larger search space.
CCE-80656-2 Ensure PAM Enforces Password Requirements - Minimum Length The pam_pwquality module's minlen parameter controls requirements for minimum characters required in a password. Add minlen=15 after pam_pwquality to set minimum password length requirements. The shorter the password, the lower the number of possible combinations that need to be tested before the password is compromised.
Password complexity, or strength, is a measure of the effectiveness of a password in resisting attempts at guessing and brute-force attacks. Password length is one factor of several that helps to determine strength and how long it takes to crack a password. Use of more characters in a password helps to exponentially increase the time and/or resources required to compromise the password.
R31 CCE-80663-8 Ensure PAM Enforces Password Requirements - Minimum Special Characters The pam_pwquality module's ocredit= parameter controls requirements for usage of special (or "other") characters in a password. When set to a negative number, any password will be required to contain that many special characters. When set to a positive number, pam_pwquality will grant +1 additional length credit for each special character. Modify the ocredit setting in /etc/security/pwquality.conf to equal 1 to require use of a special character in passwords. Use of a complex password helps to increase the time and resources required to compromise the password. Password complexity, or strength, is a measure of the effectiveness of a password in resisting attempts at guessing and brute-force attacks.

Password complexity is one factor of several that determines how long it takes to crack a password. The more complex the password, the greater the number of possible combinations that need to be tested before the password is compromised. Requiring a minimum number of special characters makes password guessing attacks more difficult by ensuring a larger search space.
R31 CCE-80665-3 Ensure PAM Enforces Password Requirements - Minimum Uppercase Characters The pam_pwquality module's ucredit= parameter controls requirements for usage of uppercase letters in a password. When set to a negative number, any password will be required to contain that many uppercase characters. When set to a positive number, pam_pwquality will grant +1 additional length credit for each uppercase character. Modify the ucredit setting in /etc/security/pwquality.conf to require the use of an uppercase character in passwords. Use of a complex password helps to increase the time and resources required to compromise the password. Password complexity, or strength, is a measure of the effectiveness of a password in resisting attempts at guessing and brute-force attacks.

Password complexity is one factor of several that determines how long it takes to crack a password. The more complex the password, the greater the number of possible combinations that need to be tested before the password is compromised.
R31 CCE-80666-1 Limit Password Reuse Do not allow users to reuse recent passwords. This can be accomplished by using the remember option for the pam_unix or pam_pwhistory PAM modules. Preventing re-use of previous passwords helps ensure that a compromised password is not re-used by a user.
R31 CCE-87667-2 Set Root Account Password Maximum Age Configure the root account to enforce a 365-day maximum password lifetime restriction by running the following command:
$ sudo chage -M 365 root
Any password, no matter how complex, can eventually be cracked. Therefore, passwords need to be changed periodically. If the operating system does not limit the lifetime of passwords and force users to change their passwords, there is the risk that the operating system passwords could be compromised. var_accounts_maximum_age_root=365
R31 CCE-80667-9 Lock Accounts After Failed Password Attempts This rule configures the system to lock out accounts after a number of incorrect login attempts using module requires multiple entries in pam files. These entries must be carefully defined to work as expected. Ensure that the file /etc/security/faillock.conf contains the following entry: deny = <count> Where count should be less than or equal to 3 and greater than 0. In order to avoid errors when manually editing these files, it is recommended to use the appropriate tools, such as authselect or authconfig, depending on the OS version. By limiting the number of failed logon attempts, the risk of unauthorized system access via user password guessing, also known as brute-forcing, is reduced. Limits are imposed by locking the account. var_accounts_passwords_pam_faillock_deny=3
R31 CCE-80668-7 Configure the root Account for Failed Password Attempts This rule configures the system to lock out the root account after a number of incorrect login attempts using module requires multiple entries in pam files. These entries must be carefully defined to work as expected. In order to avoid errors when manually editing these files, it is recommended to use the appropriate tools, such as authselect or authconfig, depending on the OS version. By limiting the number of failed logon attempts, the risk of unauthorized system access via user password guessing, also known as brute-forcing, is reduced. Limits are imposed by locking the account.
R31 CCE-80669-5 Set Interval For Counting Failed Password Attempts Utilizing, the fail_interval directive configures the system to lock out an account after a number of incorrect login attempts within a specified time period. Ensure that the file /etc/security/faillock.conf contains the following entry: fail_interval = <interval-in-seconds> where interval-in-seconds is 900 or greater. In order to avoid errors when manually editing these files, it is recommended to use the appropriate tools, such as authselect or authconfig, depending on the OS version. By limiting the number of failed logon attempts the risk of unauthorized system access via user password guessing, otherwise known as brute-forcing, is reduced. Limits are imposed by locking the account. var_accounts_passwords_pam_faillock_fail_interval=900
R31 CCE-80670-3 Set Lockout Time for Failed Password Attempts This rule configures the system to lock out accounts during a specified time period after a number of incorrect login attempts using Ensure that the file /etc/security/faillock.conf contains the following entry: unlock_time=<interval-in-seconds> where interval-in-seconds is 900 or greater. module requires multiple entries in pam files. These entries must be carefully defined to work as expected. In order to avoid any errors when manually editing these files, it is recommended to use the appropriate tools, such as authselect or authconfig, depending on the OS version. If unlock_time is set to 0, manual intervention by an administrator is required to unlock a user. This should be done using the faillock tool. By limiting the number of failed logon attempts the risk of unauthorized system access via user password guessing, otherwise known as brute-forcing, is reduced. Limits are imposed by locking the account. var_accounts_passwords_pam_faillock_unlock_time=900
R31 CCE-88248-0 Enable authselect Configure user authentication setup to use the authselect tool. If authselect profile is selected, the rule will enable the minimal profile. Authselect is a successor to authconfig. It is a tool to select system authentication and identity sources from a list of supported profiles instead of letting the administrator manually build the PAM stack. That way, it avoids potential breakage of configuration, as it ships several tested profiles that are well tested and supported to solve different use-cases. var_authselect_profile=minimal
R53 CCE-83497-8 Ensure All Files Are Owned by a Group If any file is not group-owned by a valid defined group, the cause of the lack of group-ownership must be investigated. Following this, those files should be deleted or assigned to an appropriate group. The groups need to be defined in /etc/group or in /usr/lib/group if nss-altfiles are configured to be used in /etc/nsswitch.conf. Locate the mount points related to local devices by the following command:
$ findmnt -n -l -k -it $(awk '/nodev/ { print $2 }' /proc/filesystems | paste -sd,)
For all mount points listed by the previous command, it is necessary to search for files which do not belong to a valid group using the following command:
$ sudo find MOUNTPOINT -xdev -nogroup 2>/dev/null
Unowned files do not directly imply a security problem, but they are generally a sign that something is amiss. They may be caused by an intruder, by incorrect software installation or draft software removal, or by failure to remove all files belonging to a deleted account, or other similar cases. The files should be repaired so they will not cause problems when accounts are created in the future, and the cause should be discovered and addressed.
R53 CCE-83499-4 Ensure All Files Are Owned by a User If any files are not owned by a user, then the cause of their lack of ownership should be investigated. Following this, the files should be deleted or assigned to an appropriate user. Locate the mount points related to local devices by the following command:
$ findmnt -n -l -k -it $(awk '/nodev/ { print $2 }' /proc/filesystems | paste -sd,)
For all mount points listed by the previous command, it is necessary to search for files which do not belong to a valid user using the following command:
$ sudo find MOUNTPOINT -xdev -nouser 2>/dev/null
Unowned files do not directly imply a security problem, but they are generally a sign that something is amiss. They may be caused by an intruder, by incorrect software installation or draft software removal, or by failure to remove all files belonging to a deleted account, or other similar cases. The files should be repaired so they will not cause problems when accounts are created in the future, and the cause should be discovered and addressed.
R54 CCE-83375-6 Ensure All World-Writable Directories Are Owned by root User All directories in local partitions which are world-writable should be owned by root. If any world-writable directories are not owned by root, this should be investigated. Following this, the files should be deleted or assigned to root user. Allowing a user account to own a world-writable directory is undesirable because it allows the owner of that directory to remove or replace any files that may be placed in the directory by other users.
R54 CCE-80783-4 Verify that All World-Writable Directories Have Sticky Bits Set When the so-called 'sticky bit' is set on a directory, only the owner of a given file may remove that file from the directory. Without the sticky bit, any user with write access to a directory may remove any file in the directory. Setting the sticky bit prevents users from removing each other's files. In cases where there is no reason for a directory to be world-writable, a better solution is to remove that permission rather than to set the sticky bit. However, if a directory is used by a particular application, consult that application's documentation instead of blindly changing modes.
To set the sticky bit on a world-writable directory DIR, run the following command:
$ sudo chmod +t DIR
Failing to set the sticky bit on public directories allows unauthorized users to delete files in the directory structure.

The only authorized public directories are those temporary directories supplied with the system, or those designed to be temporary file repositories. The setting is normally reserved for directories used by the system, by users for temporary file storage (such as /tmp), and for directories requiring global read/write access.
R54 CCE-80818-8 Ensure No World-Writable Files Exist It is generally a good idea to remove global (other) write access to a file when it is discovered. However, check with documentation for specific applications before making changes. Also, monitor for recurring world-writable files, as these may be symptoms of a misconfigured application or user account. Finally, this applies to real files and not virtual files that are a part of pseudo file systems such as sysfs or procfs. Data in world-writable files can be modified by any user on the system. In almost all circumstances, files can be configured using a combination of user and group permissions to support whatever legitimate access is needed without the risk caused by world-writable files.
R56 CCE-80816-2 Ensure All SGID Executables Are Authorized The SGID (set group id) bit should be set only on files that were installed via authorized means. A straightforward means of identifying unauthorized SGID files is determine if any were not installed as part of an RPM package, which is cryptographically verified. Investigate the origin of any unpackaged SGID files. This configuration check considers authorized SGID files those which were installed via RPM. It is assumed that when an individual has sudo access to install an RPM and all packages are signed with an organizationally-recognized GPG key, the software should be considered an approved package on the system. Any SGID file not deployed through an RPM will be flagged for further review. Executable files with the SGID permission run with the privileges of the owner of the file. SGID files of uncertain provenance could allow for unprivileged users to elevate privileges. The presence of these files should be strictly controlled on the system.
R56 CCE-80817-0 Ensure All SUID Executables Are Authorized The SUID (set user id) bit should be set only on files that were installed via authorized means. A straightforward means of identifying unauthorized SUID files is determine if any were not installed as part of an RPM package, which is cryptographically verified. Investigate the origin of any unpackaged SUID files. This configuration check considers authorized SUID files those which were installed via RPM. It is assumed that when an individual has sudo access to install an RPM and all packages are signed with an organizationally-recognized GPG key, the software should be considered an approved package on the system. Any SUID file not deployed through an RPM will be flagged for further review. Executable files with the SUID permission run with the privileges of the owner of the file. SUID files of uncertain provenance could allow for unprivileged users to elevate privileges. The presence of these files should be strictly controlled on the system.
R59 CCE-80790-9 Ensure gpgcheck Enabled In Main yum Configuration The gpgcheck option controls whether RPM packages' signatures are always checked prior to installation. To configure yum to check package signatures before installing them, ensure the following line appears in /etc/yum.conf in the [main] section:
Changes to any software components can have significant effects on the overall security of the operating system. This requirement ensures the software has not been tampered with and that it has been provided by a trusted vendor.
Accordingly, patches, service packs, device drivers, or operating system components must be signed with a certificate recognized and approved by the organization.
Verifying the authenticity of the software prior to installation validates the integrity of the patch or upgrade received from a vendor. This ensures the software has not been tampered with and that it has been provided by a trusted vendor. Self-signed certificates are disallowed by this requirement. Certificates used to verify the software must be from an approved Certificate Authority (CA).
R59 CCE-80791-7 Ensure gpgcheck Enabled for Local Packages yum should be configured to verify the signature(s) of local packages prior to installation. To configure yum to verify signatures of local packages, set the localpkg_gpgcheck to 1 in /etc/yum.conf. Changes to any software components can have significant effects to the overall security of the operating system. This requirement ensures the software has not been tampered and has been provided by a trusted vendor.

Accordingly, patches, service packs, device drivers, or operating system components must be signed with a certificate recognized and approved by the organization.
R59 CCE-80792-5 Ensure gpgcheck Enabled for All yum Package Repositories To ensure signature checking is not disabled for any repos, remove any lines from files in /etc/yum.repos.d of the form:
Verifying the authenticity of the software prior to installation validates the integrity of the patch or upgrade received from a vendor. This ensures the software has not been tampered with and that it has been provided by a trusted vendor. Self-signed certificates are disallowed by this requirement. Certificates used to verify the software must be from an approved Certificate Authority (CA)."
R59 CCE-80795-8 Ensure Red Hat GPG Key Installed To ensure the system can cryptographically verify base software packages come from Red Hat (and to connect to the Red Hat Network to receive them), the Red Hat GPG key must properly be installed. To install the Red Hat GPG key, run:
$ sudo subscription-manager register
If the system is not connected to the Internet or an RHN Satellite, then install the Red Hat GPG key from trusted media such as the Red Hat installation CD-ROM or DVD. Assuming the disc is mounted in /media/cdrom, use the following command as the root user to import it into the keyring:
$ sudo rpm --import /media/cdrom/RPM-GPG-KEY
Alternatively, the key may be pre-loaded during the RHEL installation. In such cases, the key can be installed by running the following command:
sudo rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release
Changes to software components can have significant effects on the overall security of the operating system. This requirement ensures the software has not been tampered with and that it has been provided by a trusted vendor. The Red Hat GPG key is necessary to cryptographically verify packages are from Red Hat.
R61 CCE-82494-6 Configure dnf-automatic to Install Available Updates Automatically To ensure that the packages comprising the available updates will be automatically installed by dnf-automatic, set apply_updates to yes under [commands] section in /etc/dnf/automatic.conf. Installing software updates is a fundamental mitigation against the exploitation of publicly-known vulnerabilities. If the most recent security patches and updates are not installed, unauthorized users may take advantage of weaknesses in the unpatched software. The lack of prompt attention to patching could result in a system compromise. The automated installation of updates ensures that recent security patches are applied in a timely manner.
R61 CCE-82267-6 Configure dnf-automatic to Install Only Security Updates To configure dnf-automatic to install only security updates automatically, set upgrade_type to security under [commands] section in /etc/dnf/automatic.conf. By default, dnf-automatic installs all available updates. Reducing the amount of updated packages only to updates that were issued as a part of a security advisory increases the system stability.
R61 CCE-82985-3 Install dnf-automatic Package The dnf-automatic package can be installed with the following command:
$ sudo yum install dnf-automatic
dnf-automatic is an alternative command line interface (CLI) to dnf upgrade suitable for automatic, regular execution.
R61 CCE-80865-9 Ensure Software Patches Installed If the system is joined to the Red Hat Network, a Red Hat Satellite Server, or a yum server, run the following command to install updates:
$ sudo yum update
If the system is not configured to use one of these sources, updates (in the form of RPM packages) can be manually downloaded from the Red Hat Network and installed using rpm.

NOTE: U.S. Defense systems are required to be patched within 30 days or sooner as local policy dictates.
Installing software updates is a fundamental mitigation against the exploitation of publicly-known vulnerabilities. If the most recent security patches and updates are not installed, unauthorized users may take advantage of weaknesses in the unpatched software. The lack of prompt attention to patching could result in a system compromise.
R61 CCE-82360-9 Enable dnf-automatic Timer The dnf-automatic timer can be enabled with the following command:
$ sudo systemctl enable dnf-automatic.timer
The dnf-automatic is an alternative command line interface (CLI) to dnf upgrade with specific facilities to make it suitable to be executed automatically and regularly from systemd timers, cron jobs and similar. The tool is controlled by dnf-automatic.timer SystemD timer.
R62 CCE-83385-5 Uninstall DHCP Server Package If the system does not need to act as a DHCP server, the dhcp package can be uninstalled. The dhcp-server package can be removed with the following command:
$ sudo yum erase dhcp-server
Removing the DHCP server ensures that it cannot be easily or accidentally reactivated and disrupt network operation.
R62 CCE-82184-3 Uninstall rsh-server Package The rsh-server package can be removed with the following command:
$ sudo yum erase rsh-server
The rsh-server service provides unencrypted remote access service which does not provide for the confidentiality and integrity of user passwords or the remote session and has very weak authentication. If a privileged user were to login using this service, the privileged user password could be compromised. The rsh-server package provides several obsolete and insecure network services. Removing it decreases the risk of those services' accidental (or intentional) activation.
R62 CCE-82183-5 Uninstall rsh Package The rsh package contains the client commands for the rsh services These legacy clients contain numerous security exposures and have been replaced with the more secure SSH package. Even if the server is removed, it is best to ensure the clients are also removed to prevent users from inadvertently attempting to use these commands and therefore exposing their credentials. Note that removing the rsh package removes the clients for rsh,rcp, and rlogin.
R62 CCE-81039-0 Uninstall Sendmail Package Sendmail is not the default mail transfer agent and is not installed by default. The sendmail package can be removed with the following command:
$ sudo yum erase sendmail
The sendmail software was not developed with security in mind and its design prevents it from being effectively contained by SELinux. Postfix should be used instead.
R62 CCE-82180-1 Uninstall talk-server Package The talk-server package can be removed with the following command:
 $ sudo yum erase talk-server
The talk software presents a security risk as it uses unencrypted protocols for communications. Removing the talk-server package decreases the risk of the accidental (or intentional) activation of talk services.
R62 CCE-80848-5 Uninstall talk Package The talk package contains the client program for the Internet talk protocol, which allows the user to chat with other users on different systems. Talk is a communication program which copies lines from one terminal to the terminal of another user. The talk package can be removed with the following command:
$ sudo yum erase talk
The talk software presents a security risk as it uses unencrypted protocols for communications. Removing the talk package decreases the risk of the accidental (or intentional) activation of talk client program.
R62 CCE-82182-7 Uninstall telnet-server Package The telnet-server package can be removed with the following command:
$ sudo yum erase telnet-server
It is detrimental for operating systems to provide, or install by default, functionality exceeding requirements or mission objectives. These unnecessary capabilities are often overlooked and therefore may remain unsecure. They increase the risk to the platform by providing additional attack vectors.
The telnet service provides an unencrypted remote access service which does not provide for the confidentiality and integrity of user passwords or the remote session. If a privileged user were to login using this service, the privileged user password could be compromised.
Removing the telnet-server package decreases the risk of the telnet service's accidental (or intentional) activation.
R62 CCE-80849-3 Remove telnet Clients The telnet client allows users to start connections to other systems via the telnet protocol. The telnet protocol is insecure and unencrypted. The use of an unencrypted transmission medium could allow an unauthorized user to steal credentials. The ssh package provides an encrypted session and stronger security and is included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.
R62 CCE-82436-7 Uninstall tftp-server Package The tftp-server package can be removed with the following command:
 $ sudo yum erase tftp-server
Removing the tftp-server package decreases the risk of the accidental (or intentional) activation of tftp services.

If TFTP is required for operational support (such as transmission of router configurations), its use must be documented with the Information Systems Securty Manager (ISSM), restricted to only authorized personnel, and have access control rules established.
R62 CCE-83590-0 Remove tftp Daemon Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a simple file transfer protocol, typically used to automatically transfer configuration or boot files between systems. TFTP does not support authentication and can be easily hacked. The package tftp is a client program that allows for connections to a tftp server. It is recommended that TFTP be removed, unless there is a specific need for TFTP (such as a boot server). In that case, use extreme caution when configuring the services.
R62 CCE-80850-1 Uninstall xinetd Package The xinetd package can be removed with the following command:
$ sudo yum erase xinetd
Removing the xinetd package decreases the risk of the xinetd service's accidental (or intentional) activation.
R62 CCE-82181-9 Remove NIS Client The Network Information Service (NIS), formerly known as Yellow Pages, is a client-server directory service protocol used to distribute system configuration files. The NIS client (ypbind) was used to bind a system to an NIS server and receive the distributed configuration files. The NIS service is inherently an insecure system that has been vulnerable to DOS attacks, buffer overflows and has poor authentication for querying NIS maps. NIS generally has been replaced by such protocols as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). It is recommended that the service be removed.
R62 CCE-82432-6 Uninstall ypserv Package The ypserv package can be removed with the following command:
$ sudo yum erase ypserv
The NIS service provides an unencrypted authentication service which does not provide for the confidentiality and integrity of user passwords or the remote session. Removing the ypserv package decreases the risk of the accidental (or intentional) activation of NIS or NIS+ services.
R68 CCE-82046-4 Ensure PAM Enforces Password Requirements - Minimum Different Categories The pam_pwquality module's minclass parameter controls requirements for usage of different character classes, or types, of character that must exist in a password before it is considered valid. For example, setting this value to three (3) requires that any password must have characters from at least three different categories in order to be approved. The default value is zero (0), meaning there are no required classes. There are four categories available:
* Upper-case characters
* Lower-case characters
* Digits
* Special characters (for example, punctuation)
Modify the minclass setting in /etc/security/pwquality.conf entry to require 4 differing categories of characters when changing passwords.
Use of a complex password helps to increase the time and resources required to compromise the password. Password complexity, or strength, is a measure of the effectiveness of a password in resisting attempts at guessing and brute-force attacks.

Password complexity is one factor of several that determines how long it takes to crack a password. The more complex the password, the greater the number of possible combinations that need to be tested before the password is compromised.

Requiring a minimum number of character categories makes password guessing attacks more difficult by ensuring a larger search space.
R68 CCE-80664-6 Ensure PAM Enforces Password Requirements - Authentication Retry Prompts Permitted Per-Session To configure the number of retry prompts that are permitted per-session: Edit the /etc/security/pwquality.conf to include retry=3, or a lower value if site policy is more restrictive. The DoD requirement is a maximum of 3 prompts per session. Setting the password retry prompts that are permitted on a per-session basis to a low value requires some software, such as SSH, to re-connect. This can slow down and draw additional attention to some types of password-guessing attacks. Note that this is different from account lockout, which is provided by the pam_faillock module. var_password_pam_retry=3
R68 CCE-83403-6 Set number of Password Hashing Rounds - password-auth Configure the number or rounds for the password hashing algorithm. This can be accomplished by using the rounds option for the pam_unix PAM module.

In file /etc/pam.d/password-auth append rounds=65536 to the entry, as shown below:
password sufficient ...existing_options... rounds=65536
The system's default number of rounds is 5000.
Using a higher number of rounds makes password cracking attacks more difficult. var_password_pam_unix_rounds=65536
R68 CCE-83386-3 Set number of Password Hashing Rounds - system-auth Configure the number or rounds for the password hashing algorithm. This can be accomplished by using the rounds option for the pam_unix PAM module.

In file /etc/pam.d/system-auth append rounds=65536 to the entry, as shown below:
password sufficient ...existing_options... rounds=65536
The system's default number of rounds is 5000.
Using a higher number of rounds makes password cracking attacks more difficult. var_password_pam_unix_rounds=65536
R68 CCE-80893-1 Set PAM''s Password Hashing Algorithm The PAM system service can be configured to only store encrypted representations of passwords. In "/etc/pam.d/system-auth", the password section of the file controls which PAM modules to execute during a password change. Set the module in the password section to include the option sha512 and no other hashing algorithms as shown below:
password    sufficient sha512 other arguments...

This will help ensure that new passwords for local users will be stored using the sha512 algorithm.
Passwords need to be protected at all times, and encryption is the standard method for protecting passwords. If passwords are not encrypted, they can be plainly read (i.e., clear text) and easily compromised. Passwords that are encrypted with a weak algorithm are no more protected than if they are kept in plain text.

This setting ensures user and group account administration utilities are configured to store only encrypted representations of passwords. Additionally, the crypt_style configuration option in /etc/libuser.conf ensures the use of a strong hashing algorithm that makes password cracking attacks more difficult.